Before joining Gutenberg-University Mainz in October 2016, Andrej Gill was an Assistant Professor at Goethe University Frankfurt.
Andrej Gill received his PhD from Goethe University Frankfurt (2013). His research concentrates on issues in corporate finance such as managerial compensation, balance sheet structure and listing as well as delisting decisions. Besides this, his researched also combines methods used in experimental economics with methods used and questions asked in Finance and was published in the Journal of Corporate Finance and Management Science among others.
Besides his research, Andrej Gill collaborates with leading companies in their respective industries. These include Start-Ups and FinTechs as well as leading companies such as Deutsche Bank, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Aareal Bank, Santander Bank amongst many.
Selected publications:
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Algorithmic Assessments, Transparency, and Self-fulfilling Prophecies (with Kevin Bauer), 2023, Information System Research, forthcoming
Social Preferences of Young Professionals and the Financial Industry (with Matthias Heinz, Heiner Schumacher and Matthias Sutter), 2022, Management Science, forthcoming
Incentive-Based Capital Requirements (with Christian Eufinger), 2017, Management Science, Volume 63 (12).
Are VC-backed IPOs delayed Trade Sales (with Uwe Walz), 2016, Journal of Corporate Finance, Volume 37.
Performance Benefits of Tight Control, 2015, Journal of Private Equity, Volume 18 (3).